TB War Party (




TBLib Version 2.49.1

23.03.2025 19:13

  • extend method for radius for car search

TBLib Version 2.49.0

15.03.2025 19:20

Changes for revive/carry/death insurance

TBLib Version 2.48.0

14.03.2025 16:10

Preparations for new Car Dealer Version

TBLib Version 2.47.1

14.03.2025 16:08

Preparations for new Car Dealer Version

TB War Party Version 0.29.0

11.03.2025 18:55

- Matches can have now a starting fee
- Players can now win money for a match, money used from starting
- win conditions for matches with starting fees can be set to "Win by kills" or "Win by points"
- reworked statistics

TB War Party Version 0.28.0

03.03.2025 20:12

  • Change complete concept how revive mod works with breaking changes to this mod

TBLib Version 2.47.0

03.03.2025 19:58

- rework RB Revive Mod

TB War Party Version 0.27.1

26.02.2025 17:32

- DayZ Hud was visible after press ESC or after death in Arena.

TBLib Version 2.46.1

25.02.2025 08:22

Stable Update

TB War Party Version 0.27.0

22.02.2025 09:45

- Support MuchPVE