TB Second Hand Market (




TB Second Hand Market Version 1.2.3

25.07.2024 20:26

- fixed: players can sell to orders items with a lower health as order creator wants ro have

TBLib Version 2.28.1

25.07.2024 11:10

remove persistent premium user index

TB Second Hand Market Version 1.2.2

21.07.2024 14:10

- fixed: if a player sell a non-stackable quantity item, they sell always all not the needed quantity size

TB Second Hand Market Version 1.2.1

20.07.2024 16:14

- Fixed: Player can dupe items, if they create an order with one item, and after words they sell item with a higher stack size. Only 1 get subtract from stack but when the owner take the item from stall storage, they get same stack as was sold, instead of one.

TB Second Hand Market Version 1.2.0

09.07.2024 18:43

- add show item quantity of selected item in order create menu to help player knowing max quantity of an item

TB Second Hand Market Version 1.1.1

07.06.2024 19:25

fix list offers/orders double at bulletin board if you are using more the one global stall with same id.

TB Second Hand Market Version 1.1.0

06.06.2024 18:57

- Add item name to item buy and sell widget
- Add Config to disable premium features (https://github.com/ihr-it-projekt/DayZModsInfo/blob/main/TBSecondHandMarket/Configs/GeneralConfig.md)

- Global Stall Database was not reloaded by pressing "Reload Config"

- null pointer, regarding configs not correct loaded

TB Second Hand Market Version 1.0.1

03.06.2024 17:33

- When player puts an item at global stall and he has no free slots, he got money for the new used slots

TBLib Version 2.28.0

02.06.2024 20:02

Add admin state for Jewels of Survival

TBLib Version 2.27.0

28.05.2024 21:08

  • add revive player admin permission