Advanced Groups (




Advanced Groups Version 2.0.4

30.04.2024 11:04

  • fixed 2 possible nullpointers on startup

Advanced Groups Version 2.0.3

26.04.2024 15:47

- Territory config admin page
- Full No Build Zones admin page
- Translation for all admin menus
- remaining plotpole lifetime changed to fully lower flag
- adapted to new Core PBO

Core Version 1.0.4

26.04.2024 15:43

- Menu Parameters might not be the correct one for the menu causing issues like Spawn Menu not properly opening
- some more generic code for less boilerplate code

Core Version 1.0.3

24.04.2024 16:31

- Method to send RPC from Server to Server
- Warning popup can now be a standalone menu

Advanced Groups Version 2.0.2

23.04.2024 15:43

- member markers not updating on map menu
- member markers would not stick to player anymore
- GPS was not visible even when enabled
- Upgrade Group Level benefits screen

Core Version 1.0.2

23.04.2024 15:41

  • reworked the warning popup for Advanced Groups

Core Version 1.0.1

22.04.2024 14:18

  • fixed an issue related to menus when logging out and back in, because of missing cleanup

Advanced Groups Version 2.0.1

21.04.2024 11:02

  • fixed a compile error when plotpole DLC is not loaded

Advanced Groups Version 2.0.0

16.04.2024 14:40

This update will break other mods depending on this mod! Make sure to apply the necessary changes
To support both old and new Versions of this major update, you can use #ifdef LBmaster_Rework to check if the new version is loaded or the old
- The whole folderstructure changed
- renamed some classes (I tried to rename as few as possible to not break everything)
- No more Prints. All LBLogger methods
- replaced all GetGame() with g_Game methods
- all Menus now inherit the LBMenuBase
- No longer use MissionBaseWorld to pass method calls up the scope
- Plotpole ignore items now take baseclasses
- Made changed to prevent string corruption caused by engine bug
- A lot of missing translations
- All Layouts can not be changed with the LayoutManager
- Circle layer can now be changed via script to allow circle intersections and cutting edged for intersecting circles added via script
- config guide comments for automatic config guide generation
- plotpole setting to return the Flag Kit when flag is destroyed
- a server crash
- a client crash when using the TP Here function
- circles might not be scaled properly when the screen is not 16:9 aspect ratio
- plotpole flags could be cut when attached to flags to grief player bases
- server nullpointer when a player was killed by an AI player
- plotpole positions might be logged on the client exposing enemy base locations
- some Logging prefixes were wrong
- support for no longer existing KOTH mod
- a lot of dead code
- loads of boilterplate code long replaced by core methods

Core Version 1.0.0

16.04.2024 14:29

This update will break other mods depending on this mod! Make sure to apply the necessary changes
__To support both old and new Versions of this major update, you can use #ifdef LBmaster_Rework to check if the new version is loaded or the old__
- Removed all prints and replaced with LBLogger
- consistent Loggin Prefixes
- changed all GetGame() functions to g_Game
- files now only contain a single class and have the same name as the class
- changed UIScripted Menus to LBMenuBase
- added functions to send Translated strings with placeholders since BI will probably never add the function
- some menus were closed even when force open was enabled
- reworked the whole folder structure
- all layout paths have been moved to LBLayoutManager
- added support for persistent menus used by Advanced Groups Map menu
- Menus direcly process RPCs now
- translated the whole mod
- merged some util classes and renamed them
- fixed possible string corruption statements ( )
- direcly bing keybinds to opening a menu
- changed how admin pages are registered
- fixed sometimes multiple admin menu categories would expand
- using an external tool to format everything in a consistent code style
- deleted a lot of boilerplate code and dead code
- Item Selector and File selector dialog now accept the entry with double click for more convinient use
- added backup files, which are fully handled by the core pbo
- automated config guide generation