Virtual Garage (




Virtual Garage Version 2.2.10

28.06.2024 08:44

  • Added new API Method to block certain vehicles from being stored
    - Added support for TB Car Dealer to prevent people parking in vehicles bought at the car dealer

Core Version 1.2.3

18.06.2024 16:26

  • fixed a server error log entry when closed
    - added "remote logging" to send information to my servers with information to fix issues before they were reported. This is only used very rarely and can be disabled in the logger.json if you with to opt out of sending these messages to my servers. Messages are automatically deleted after 30 days and only used for debugging purposes

Virtual Garage Version 2.2.9

17.06.2024 22:37

  • fixed crashlog when trying to collect more info about items, that could not be spawned

Virtual Garage Version 2.2.8

17.06.2024 20:49

  • Fixed: items spawning on the ground, because they failed to spawn in the vehicle, would not be visible to the player

Virtual Garage Version 2.2.7

17.06.2024 09:56

  • Spawning items on ground as last backup would spawn them in the vehicle instead of at the player

Virtual Garage Version 2.2.6

17.06.2024 09:30

  • fixed compile error

Virtual Garage Version 2.2.5

17.06.2024 08:58

- Spawn Area not hidden after deleting a garage
- Slightly adjusted restoring items and added more logging when something goes wrong to troubleshoot issues with spawning items back in

Core Version 1.2.2

12.06.2024 22:03

- Configs, which should only be synced with admins were sent to everyone
- Update config guide for LastLoadouts.json

Core Version 1.2.1

12.06.2024 21:00

  • saving the last loadout a player spawned with to show in the loadout edit menu when clear inventory is disabled

Virtual Garage Version 2.2.4

09.06.2024 10:12

  • added workaround for sticks spawning when parking in vehicles